Help us help
Our job, health care and educational programs are currently financed through donations, patient fees and medicine sales. Our long term goal is to become self-sufficient by generating income from the export of handcrafted products and the international sales of tourist packages in Ecuador. For the next few years we will depend on donations for our programs to meet the needs of people.
Tell someone about the opportunity to import and sell Ecuadorian handcrafted products or to have a one of a kind tourist experience in Ecuador, in both cases with Futuro Valdivia as the local provider. This way we create employment and development the natural way. Fair Trade and Fair Travel ambitions apply.
Idea: If you are unsure of a birthday or Christmas gift you could donate the amount as a gift to Futuro Valdivia. We will mail or e-mail a gift certificate to the would-be receiver. This is a great way to help and show others how to help as well!
Help us help!
All educational and health programs can be greatly enhanced with a little or a lot on your part. Below we give some examples of what can be done with donations received,
Plant trees with school children and parents 4 USD / tree
Food supplement for child suffering from malnutrition 25 USD / month
Contribution to school material – primary school 75 USD / year
Health care brigade in remote areas 800 USD / day
Surgery campaign in mobile theatre 4 / year 1000 USD / campaign
Micro loans for productive investments 300 USD / loan
Money is never paid out cash and the counterpart will always cover part of the total cost, in kind or cash.
PS If you know of a healthy retired person who would like to give part of his/her time as a volunteer, at his/her own expense, there are needs in most areas. In some assignments Spanish language is a must, in others professional skills and a positive attitude will do. DS
Become a donor by a deposit at our, CORPORACIÓN FUTURO VALDIVIA,
bank account with BANCO PICHINCHA C.A.
Account Number: 33864886-04
We would like to open an account to receive donations in the USA. We welcome your help to do so!