About us


Futuro Valdivia is a non-profit organization registered in Ecuador since December 2007. Our project activities are focusing on a coastal area described by the UN / WHO as an area of extreme poverty. Futuro Valdivia wants to be instrumental in the future development of the Valdivia region. See ”Valdivia Ecuador” on Google for information about the 5500 year old Valdivia culture.

Futuro Valdivia has German – Swedish management. One founder and social entrepreneur, Monika Steffel, is a German registered nurse working in the area since 1991,  and the co- founder Jan Smedmyr, originally from Sweden, has gotten to know Ecuador at intervals for many years,  evaluating technical assistance for the UN and coordinating donations of hospital equipment  from Sweden to Ecuador through Rotary Clubs.

Contact: jsmedmyr@futurovaldivia.org